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Applications and Clinical benefits

The new reference in Cardiac Output monitoring

Frequent Asqued Questions

What are the costs associated with the use of PhysioFlow® ?

PhysioFlow® is a reasonably priced capital equipment that uses inexpensive disposable sensors. Please contact your distributor (see Sales Representatives page) for a quotation. If your area is not yet covered by a local dealer, please contact Manatec Biomedical directly: Contact

Sales Representatives

Is it possible to perform measurements under heavy workload conditions (sports medicine) ?

It has been formally validated on cyclo-ergometer (workloads above 300 Watts) and can be used on a treadmill or under real running conditions (see In Use page Marathon).

In Use

Does PhysioFlow® require specific skills to be operated ?

No, provided that the operator has basic knowledge of MS-Windows™ operating system. PhysioFlow® software has been designed to offer optimal user friendliness.

Do you have a software version for Apple computers of Iphones™ ?

Not at the present time, but development will be scheduled if many customers ask for it.

Are there risks to the patient ?

The emitted signal is of very low magnitude (3.6 mA peak to peak), safe and not felt by the patient. PhysioFlow® can be safely used on children and pregnant women as well.

Is there extensive patient preparation involved ?

No, during routine evaluations only shaving and light skin abrasion (using the Nuprep™ gel) is required. For exercise testing taping the lead wires is recommended and surgical fishnet should be used to cover electrodes and leads in case of running.

Are there limitations or contraindications of the system ?

Severe aortic valve insufficiency results in an overestimation of Stroke Volume and Cardiac Output. PhysioFlow® has not been validated in case of severe heart malformation or in children below 25 kg.

Can PhysioFlow® be used during surgery ?

Yes, except during open chest surgery. Please note the signals will be lost during the use of electrosurgical instruments but will recover immediately thereafter.

Windows™ is a trademark of Microsoft corporation
Iphone™ is a trademark of Apple corporation
Nuprep™ is a trademark of Doweave corporation

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