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50% of adults are hypertensive        (cost: $198 Bn, 691 000 deaths/year)

Sobering stats in the US Population

90-days rehospitalization rate in heart failure: 1/3, not improving

How can PhysioFlow help?

.Earlier detection of cardiovascular abnormalities

.Better management of therapies (reduction costs and rehospitalizations)

.Improved training protocols in sports and rehabilitation

Worrying trends

75% of adults US population is overweight

A unique, innovative noninvasive and wearable cardiac performance system,
easy to use at rest and exercice (FDA approved, CE mark, China NMPA, 250+ published studies, CPT code)

The Time Bomb !

Current strategies are not efficient enough: the paradigm need to change !

Exercice participation rate (adult, USA): 25%, not improving

How can it help improving outcomes?

50% of adults are prediabetic/diabetic (cost: $419 Bn, 103 000 deaths/year)

Death toll in cardiovascular disease worsened during COVID, after years of decrease

The Time Bomb !

What is PhysioFlow?

Death toll in cardiovascular disease worsened during COVID, after years of decrease

.Earlier detection of cardiovascular abnormalities

.Better management of therapies (reduction costs and rehospitalizations)

.Improved training protocols in sports and rehabilitation

Worrying trends

A unique, innovative noninvasive and wearable cardiac performance system,
easy to use at rest and exercice (FDA approved, CE mark, China NMPA, 250+ published studies, CPT code)

50% of adults are prediabetic/diabetic (cost: $419 Bn, 103 000 deaths/year)

75% of adults US population is overweight

50% of adults are hypertensive (cost: $198 Bn, 691 000 deaths/year)

The Time Bomb!

90-days rehospitalization rate in heart failure: 1/3, not improving

How can PhysioFlow help?

How can it help improving outcomes?

What is PhysioFlow?

Sobering stats in the US Population

Exercice participation rate (adult, USA): 25%, not improving

Current strategies are not efficient enough: the paradigm need to change !

The Time Bomb!